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Handcrafted Jewellery Designer 



As a lifelong educator and now retired UKCP accredited psychotherapist, I have worked as trainer, supervisor and facilitator with a Transpersonal bias. I have studied the latest in anthropology topics seeing that as we become more aware of how our brains and bodies engage, we can free our minds.  Exploring what it means to be human a core part of our identity.


Whilst I used my creativity in this way, as a teacher, sculptor, jewellery designer, maker and artist, I have waited a long time to be allowed the freedom to travel as I would have wanted from the beginning. Needing to survive in society has meant that many of our abilities have been turned off.  For myself, that meant I became a caring professional rather than following my passion for gemology and geology. As a child I would dream of the world hidden beneath our feet. As a student of Jung, I realise my deep unconscious was sending me messages all along.


Having worked as a psychotherapist for over 40 years, it was a great shock to discover that I had a malignant brain tumour which was potentially life-threatening.


However circumstances and outcomes are very strange and that crisis has allowed me to follow the passion that I have had since I was a little girl:to become a jewellery designer and maker. Now I can integrate so much of what I have learned from being in the caring professions for so long.

In exploring my family's history, I find it was always  in my DNA.  My interest, fire, passion and innate wisdom seems to come from the fact that I am related to Sir James Mossman. He was Mary Queen of Scots jeweller and it was he who had the amazing idea of using the collateral of her jewellery to raise the funds to provide for her in such difficult political times. Problem solving and creative solutions is both mine and his(and yours !)


The opportunity to win the battle with cancer has allowed me to transfer my attention to something that has been within me for many years.


I have used my given skills to help people in the past. Using the creative imagination to help them find a way through their own personal life and challenging difficulties is something I know. Working as a consultant in Childrens Services when I moved to Norfolk allowed me to further specialise in helping serve users make jewellery which sustained their courage. By creating things they could wear  reminded them of what they had already achieved; strengthened their hearts and encouraged them to continue to care for the children in most need of help.  


It is also my sense that as we become more self aware, our love for the planet increases.


My reputation was of being the "last chance saloon" or "last port of call" for patients who had few options remaining and I am very proud to have helped so many through that hopeless darkness.


I feel there is a role of the spiritual midwife to be seen in my life's work.


Now I offer something different by demonstrating that our love of beauty can be united with how to train our minds to imagine the determination to commit to a better outcome from our past experiences.  Transformation is possible. Hope is a tenacious weed which will grow with attention. Trauma can be removed from present moment experience.


This a range of jewellery which reminds us of how our physical bodies are made - soul and body are intertwined.  


Something beyond us sews the seeds in hearts.


The wisdom and beauty of our paths hold the survival for ourselves and the planet. Being reminded of this regularly feeds that hope, and sustains us as we confront the impact of misuse of power and the individual need to survive.





©2023 Annie Lloyd ArtIsMedicine Arowanababa


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